Why choose an automatic over a manual?

Do you drive a manual or an automatic car? With the introduction of automatic cars eliminating the need for any extra work, you would think people would be rushing to get them.  Yet, even with new cars with automatic transmission being widely available, manual vehicles are still quite common. In a recent Facebook poll we conducted, 84% of VroomVroomVroom customers said they preferred driving a manual vehicle. So why is this the case?

Drivers in the UK and Europe may be used to picking up a manual rental car at their local depot, but for North America and Australia automatic cars are the norm. If you want to rent a manual vehicle, you will find that they are a lot harder to come by. 

Is it cheaper to own a manual car?

Manual cars are generally cheaper to buy. In the UK, they are often cheaper to rent as well. There is also an argument that manual vehicles have better fuel economy. With the complexity of automatic cars, if anything goes wrong it will usually mean a more costly trip to the mechanic. Manual cars, however, are far easier to repair and generally require less maintenance. However, when you are renting a car you will not have to worry about the ongoing maintenance of the vehicle. Why not relax and enjoy cruising around in an automatic for awhile? 

More control of the vehicle?

Many people feel that they are more in control of the vehicle, and the changing of gears keeps them alert. Manual cars have more power, and a lot of drivers find it dull to travel in automatics. If you live in a mountainous area, it can be a pain travelling in an automatic car, as they are not always as effective on hills. However, driving an automatic car definitely takes a lot of the extra work out, leaving you to focus on the road. 

One of our customers pointed out that it is a good idea to learn to drive both types of vehicles. If you only drive automatic, you could find yourself caught out in situations where a manual is the only car available.

Traffic jam in the city

Are manual cars difficult to drive in the city?

While it may seem appealing if you are travelling along interstate freeways to have more control of the vehicle, if you are commuting in the city, the constant traffic congestion means that having a manual might not be so enjoyable.

Which car is best for learner drivers?

Learning to drive in an automatic also has its benefits. Trying to figure out the clutch and attempting hill starts when you are first learning to drive car adds a lot of complications.  

What you thought about manual vs automatic

We asked our customers which type of car they preferred to drive, and it seemed manual was the preference. However, some of you thought that automatic cars were better on long trips. Others preferred the exclusive cars that were available only in manual. However, it seemed automatics were popular for the daily commutes.

Do you have a preference in the manual versus automatic debate? Comment below and tell us why you prefer one over the other, or vote in our Facebook poll.

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