Flying Car: AeroMobil Transforms From Car To Plane
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane!

No, it’s a FLYING CAR!

Getting caught in a traffic jam just like what I commonly experience in Manila or those living in Los Angeles would make anyone wish that their car can fly. AeroMobil has finally found a way to make your wish come true. Imagine taking off and passing over the multitude of vehicles on your city’s highways. That would surely make you feel like Superman, sans the blue tights and cape.
This Slovakian company, headed by chief designer Stefan Klein, has worked more than 23 years to create an automobile that can fly. Finally, the first ever AeroMobil flying car will make its world premiere at the Pioneers Festival in Austria on October 29.

Klein and the rest of the team started with the AeroMobil 1.0 back in 1990. They finished the AeroMobil 2.5 prototype last year and the test flight was a huge success. The AeroMobil 3.0 production version is all set to hit the market place before this month ends.

Here are some of the cool features of the AeroMobil flying car:
• Fits a standard parking space
• Fully accustomed to road traffic
• The engine enables it to tank at any gas station
• As a plane, it can take off and land at any airport in the world
To see the full specification of the AeroMobil 3.0, visit their official website.
Are you ready to be amazed? Check out the actual video of the first flying car:
What are your thoughts on the AeroMobil 3.0? Do you think this will help ease the traffic or will it start causing air traffic? Let us know, using the Disqus comments box below!
Mic Florendo is a Content Writer and Car Rental Expert at VroomVroomVroom. She recently told everyone, “I want to fly like an eagle, To the sea, Fly like an eagle, Let my spirit carry me, I want to fly like an eagle, ‘Til I’m free, Oh Lord through the revolution.“
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About The Author
Mic Florendo has been writing for more than ten years both professionally and personally. She enjoys writing about travel, food, music, movies, celebrity news, and cool cars.
This is awesome! I would definitely get one if the price is right. But would you need to get a pilot’s license to drive one?
Hmmm, very interesting. Now, the immortal lines of Doc Emmett Brown can be said, “Roads? Who needs roads?” 😉
Oh man, this is cool! But I would really like it if it can fly without the traditional runway or (highway) taxiing, or else, it would be just like any other car stuck in the rush hour traffic.