Justin Bieber’s Classic Lesson: How Not to Enjoy a Cool Rental Car in the USA
|Many of our VroomVroomVroom customers have children (or grandchildren) older than singer Justin Bieber. The 19-year-old Canadian pop musician, discovered in 2008 after posting music videos on YouTube, has had a turbulent couple of years since becoming a millionaire.

Very early Thursday in the United States city of Miami Beach, Florida, Bieber and an associate, American R&B artist Khalil Sharief (also 19) were arrested for drunken driving after Bieber’s other associates allegedly closed off a street in a residential neighborhood so that the two singers could drag race each other – in high-dollar rental cars, of course!
The drag racing car of choice for Bieber was a rented yellow Lamborghini Gallardo, an Italian sports car capable of speeds up to 200 miles per hour that retails for about $200,000. It can reach 60 miles per hour in under 4 seconds.

Bieber, who was allegedly belligerent with the police, is reported to have been drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, and to have (again, allegedly) been mixing it all with prescription drugs. No one should ever operate a vehicle, rental car or otherwise, under the influence(s) of controlled substance(s)! Bieber was also allegedly operating the car without a valid license, as his Georgia driver’s license had expired.
Bieber, who is apparently following the traditional professional “mistake trajectory” of certain American singers and actors like Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes, spent around 8 hours at a police holding facility – sometimes called a “drunk tank” in the States – before appearing before a judge and bailing himself out early Thursday afternoon.

We at VroomVroomVroom are just happy that no one was injured during Bieber’s alleged rental car romp, and remind everyone of an old American public awareness campaign slogan: “Friends don’t let friends drink & drive!”

Hollywood Celebrities & Their Cars – An infographic by the team at VroomVroomVroom Car Rental