Paul Walker Memories
|“I wish I could be behind the wheel for every stunt.” – Paul Walker (1973-2013)

If there’s one person that would have loved to be with cars for the rest of his life (until the day he died), it was Paul Walker. Everyone saw his untimely demise as shocking. No one saw it coming, even the ones who published a death hoax post a day before his actual death.
Walker’s love affair with cars originated with his grandfather who was a race car driver. Cars used to be a hobby that eventually turned into a real business for him, and Paul enjoyed buying and selling with him so much that he soon got his dealer’s license. Walker loved everything automotive to the point that he also became a race car driver.
In some levels, some may think it’s ironic that Walker died in a fatal car accident, but come to think of it: for someone who spent most of his life in the automotive world and openly said that he’s a crazy car guy who has a hangar full of cars, do you think he’d even think of any way else to die than inside his car? We don’t think so!
Just for this moment, let’s take a while to forget about the loss and focus on Paul Walker’s amazing insanity over the great machines. We, at VroomVroomVroom, compiled Walker’s favorite cars to reminisce about the most tasteful memories he gave to us through the years.

In an interview with, Walker shared, “The pride and joy of my garage right now? The BMW ’74 2002 Touring. It’s an anomaly in the States.[…] I really like it — it’s this bright orange hatchback; it’s a cool looking little car. […] In the States, it would have been scoffed at because everyone was running V8s. But I like the oddball stuff.”

What Walker particularly liked about the R33 Nissan Skyline was how he peeled the plastic vinyl on the side of the originally yellow car and repainted it the way he wanted.

He realized that soon, the E36M3 would be the “it” car and he got it just in time. Walker already amassed a bunch of them before it became so cool that everyone in love with cars wanted to have one.

Sure enough, as Brian O’Conner in The Fast and The Furious, Walker surely loved the Eclipse with its “Motec System Exhaust”.

It is the “really rare color combination” (white and hard top) that drove Walker to love this car. He got his own Supra a few years after the first Fast and the Furious film.
Whether it is Paul Walker or Brian O’Conner we’re imagining, we will never forget how he showed us all that he’s the only one who can shift 42 gears in ¼ mile. He will always be remembered.
I luv u Man