VroomVroomVroom Interviews Megan of MappingMegan.com
|One of the coolest things about my job as a car rental writer, editor and blogger here at VroomVroomVroom is that I have opportunities to meet and chat with some of the world’s most interesting travel experts.

Megan Jerrard is one such expert. In the last 2 years, Megan, the friendly Aussie who is the lead travel blogger and creator of MappingMegan.com, has created one of the web’s coolest and most informative sites. Her award-winning and lavishly photographed travel journal articles are some of our favourite readings every week around the VroomVroomVroom offices.

Now married and joined by her husband Mike, an American with spectacular wildlife photography skills, Mapping Megan had just finished a lengthy travel adventure from Phoenix to Alaska, when we called her to conduct a long-anticipated interview. I hope you enjoy my interview with Megan “Meg’ Jerrard.
Megan has been bitten by the travel bug, and she enjoys travelling whether she’s on her own, with her husband, or with co-travel bloggers. In fact, we were surprised to find out that she’s good friends with Anna Vawser of The Legendary Adventures of Anna whom VroomVroomVroom interviewed last year. Click here to check out our interview with vivacious blogger, Anna.

Since we don’t have any actual footage of Meg, we would like to share the highlights of her travel adventures in celebration of Mapping Megan’s first year anniversary. Check out the video below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mappingmegan
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mappingmegan
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mappingmegan
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mappingmegan
Tumblr: http://whereintheworldismeganclaire.tumblr.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/mappingmeg
If you enjoyed listening to the adventures and travel tips of Megan, then watch out for our featured blogger this October.