Introducing Zhen – Web Developer

zhenName: Zhen Qiao

Current Role: Web Developer

How long have you worked at VroomVroomVroom?: 6 years

What do you like best about working at VVV?: The great people I get in the office, people respect each other like family members. The positive working vibe is what I appreciate.

Favourite road trip memory: Drove to Sydney from Brisbane. Enjoyed the magnificent view and a great time on the road.

What’s the most unusual item that could be found in your car (or if you don’t have a car, then bike, skateboard, rollerblades etc)?: I don’t have anything unusual in my car, cos I like to keep it clean.

When you’re not hard at work, what can you be found doing?: Spending time with my family and friends. Playing basketball and video games.

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